Monday, June 15, 2015

A Long Time Ago, In a Galaxy Far, Far Away. . .

. . . Victoria and I started a blog.  We loved that blog.  We cared for that blog.  And then we got married, moved to Florida, and started grad school.  We tried to keep writing, but life got in the way, and, well. . . .

Here we are.  It's been. . . . too long.  But.  But!  We're coming back.  We've started writing.  And things will be better and more exciting than ever!

By better, I mean we are going to be writing more.  By more exciting, I mean we 're changing up the format a bit.  Our brother and his family have moved back to the States and requested the box of dvds back, so we've decided to keep the Film Crate name, but expand the focus.  No longer will we be bound to things found in the box, but instead plan to write about whatever media we find ourselves consuming, be it opening weekend box office fare (Jurassic World! Mad Max!) or Netflix binge-watching (Star Trek!  Better Call Saul!)  We might write about video games (Here's looking at you, Arkham Knight) or contemporary fiction (I've been meaning to read All the Light We Cannot See for some time).  The point is we want to keep writing about culture and media.

Why, you might ask?  Because culture is important - it reveals the kinds of things our society likes to think about, and, more importantly, it reveals the way people in society think.  Cultural items are nothing if not statements in a larger conversation, and we want to do our part to contribute to that conversation in our own way.  We want you to contribute, too - we want to hear your thoughts and feelings on the different topics we choose to write on.

So expect new posts soon and very soon.

Til then,

Adam Sweatman